Jeremiah Bartram.
Writer, speaker and puppeteer.
Welcome to my site. It reflects a life of transformations and re-inventions and contradictions. I’ve been a professional student, a weekly newspaper editor, a public service executive, and a successful consultant. I’ve published a terrible comic novel (now mercifully out of print) and written a prize-winning play. I’m an exile from a tragically broken family. I am both Catholic and proudly gay. Despite myself, I’ve learned the art of solitude. I’ve also learned how to be happy.
And now, late in the game, I’ve discovered both puppets and comics, although it might be more accurate to say that they have found me. They’ve taught me a whole lot about myself and that wayward power whom we call God. We humans like to cast that power in the role of puppeteer—and he or she or they consistently rejects that role by cutting our self-imposed strings. We don’t like that.
I guess I should also say that I have two degrees in English from the University of Toronto, a doctorate (Renaissance Literature) from the University of London, and an MFA in Creative Non Fiction from the University of King’s College, Halifax.
Just a warning: some of the comics on this site are adult in content. They may offend some people. Comics, like puppets (and God), are dangerous.